Slovakia’s Oscar submission for best international film tells the true story of two Auschwitz prisoners (Noel Czuczor and Peter Ondrejicka) who escaped hell and provided a rare first-hand and shocking report of genocide at the camp. After meticulous planning and with the help and resilience of their fellow prisoners, they manage to escape.
- Na snímke počas zápasu základnej časti Kontinentálnej hokejovej ligy medzi HC Slovan Bratislava a HK Sochi.
While the inmates they had left behind courageously stand their ground against the Nazi camp officers, the two men are driven to survive by the hope that their evidence could save lives. Emaciated and hurt, they make their way through the rugged mountains back to Slovakia ready to share their horrific report to the United States Red Cross. Gripping and harrowing at every turn, The Auschwitz Escape honours the power of truth in a world that might not be ready to hear it. Also starring John Hannah (Four Weddings and a Funeral) as Warren, a British representative of the Red Cross. The Auschwitz Escape was written and directed by Peter Bebjak, with additional writing credits for Tomás Bombík and Jozef Pastéka, inspired by the novel What Dante Did Not See by Alfred Wetzler.