Lucy, a disillusioned office clerk who lives in a dysfunctional relationship with her slovenly partner Paul, is surprised to find herself on the cusp of a none-too-secret affair with her new work colleague, Daniel. The thrill of the chase for a shred of affection takes her mind off her problematic life but she’s not sure that she’ll ever leave Paul, or that sex with someone else is the true answer to her problems.

Photo: Mind-set (2023) – Directed by Mikey Murray,Benjamin Reynolds and also Starring Eilis Cahill,Steve Oram,Peter Bankolé/Bulldog Film Distribution

Starring Eilis Cahill (Mad), Steve Oram (Sightseers, The End of the F***ing World), Peter
Bankolé (Peaky Blinders), Julia Deakin (Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz) and Jason Isaacs (Harry Potter franchise), sharp and poignant comedy-drama Mind-Set is the debut feature of award-winning filmmaker Mikey Murray.

Bulldog Film Distribution presents Mind-Set In select cinemas and on demand 6 October

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