Embark on a cosmic journey like never before with “Deep Sky,” presented by IMAX Entertainment. This awe-inspiring documentary, a Crazy Boat Pictures Production helmed by director Nathaniel Kahn, delves into the mysteries of the universe. Guided by the captivating narration of Michelle Williams, witness the wonders of space exploration.
With a stellar team behind the scenes, including producers Bonnie Hlinomaz and Nathaniel Kahn, and executive producers John Turner, Matt Mountain, Sandra Evers-Manly, and Gerry Ohrstrom, “Deep Sky” promises to take you on a visual and auditory adventure. The enchanting music by Paul Leonard-Morgan, stunning cinematography by Robert Richman, and masterful editing by Brian Johnson, a.c.e., and Jay Keuper, will leave you spellbound.
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What is it about?
This inspiring documentary explores the $10 billion JWST’s engineering and construction process, historic Dec. 25, 2021 launch, and the release of its first full-color, galaxy-sprinkled images on July 12, 2022 witnessed by the entire planet.