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Movie Review: The Notebook (2004)

Adapted to screen from the Nicholas Sparks novel of the same name, The Notebook is one of the best romantic dramas to hit the...

Movie Review: Jesus Of Nazareth (1977)

Since Thomas Edison's invention of the modern cinema, countless filmmakers have endeavored to produce a moving picture that accurate chronicles the life and times...

Movie Review: Laughing in the Dark (2015)

Chanda Perice, Christian comedian, shares the pain behind the scenes of her life in "Laughing in the Dark". She both wrote the book and...

Movie Review: Suing the Devil (2012)

To watch Suing the Devil is to witness the birth of a cult classic. Mark my words: You will someday see it in midnight...

Movie Review: Runaway Train (1986)

Runaway Train is a film out of control. At its best, it is a cold and brutal depiction of life in a maximum security...

Movie Review: Johnny Dangerously (1984)

One of the more under-appreciated comedies of the 1980's, Johnny Dangerously seems to have slipped under the radar of the majority of the movie...

Movie Review: Yellow Submarine (1968)

"Yellow Submarine" is a psychedelic adventure in animation from the late '60s featuring many songs by the Beatles. The music and animation are both...

Bluray Review: Alice in Wonderland (1951)

I think Disney's 1951 version of Alice in Wonderland is not only my preferred adaptation of Lewis Carroll's Alice stories but probably my favourite...
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