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Top 5 Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies

Top 5 Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies

Arnold Schwarzenegger represents everything American, which is especially impressive for someone who didn't reach the States until after his 20th birthday. Schwarzenegger is larger...

5 Greatest Movie Action Heroes

A good action film has to have a hero. We need to see someone up against impossible odds, fighting for himself, his family or...

Movie The Terminal: Steven Spielberg’s Rare Comedy Flick Rediscovered!

I consider it a happy accident that I found this movie titled 'The Terminal' (2004) directed by Steven Spielberg on a streaming platform. My...

Top 10 Classic Movies

A classic movie is quite simply a movie that has stood the test of time, regardless of genre, regardless of age. A classic transcends...

Photographer Creates Series Of Fantastic Photos Of Delorean, The Famous Car Of The Film...

The Mexican Felix Hernandez does not stop to create, this time he created a series of fantastic photos of DeLorean, the famous car of...

15+ Genuinely Funny Cop Movies

There's probably no other profession as glorified by Hollywood as a police officer, detective, FBI agent, or inspector. And though we all understand that...

10 Celebrities That Have Criminal Records You Didn’t Know

Celebrities are always under the spotlight regardless of whether it's on their highs or lows. However, some celebs have some quite shocking low points...

Best and Worst Remakes/Reboots

I know remakes/reboots get a bad rep. However, there have been times where they were good and even better than the original. What’s your...

10 Must-See Films Directed By The Legendary Clint Eastwood

Acclaimed actor, director and producer Clint Eastwood is one of the most iconic figures in Hollywood history. His films have earned both critical praise...

10 Unforgivable Movie Mistakes You Probably Never Noticed

Movie-lovers are highly skilled at picking out mistakes and inconsistencies in the films they watch. Every tiny change in a character’s appearance or the position of an object is usually noticed by some...
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